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  • #17131

    Hello, I was able to get the trainers and services carousel to scroll but they only display 6 total services at a time, how to I increase this? Thanks!



    Hi there and sorry for the delay but we were out of office for the Christmas holiday.

    You need to add the “items” attribute to the shortcode.





    Happy holidays! Where does this line of code need to go for the classes / services slider? Thanks!


    Here’s an example for the classes slider:

    [sd_services items="7" title="POPULAR CLASSES" subtext="Why not give one of these popular classes a look?"]


    Thank you, what file do I modify and what line? I can’t find any reference. Thank you


    You don’t need to modify any file. Just edit your home page in html mode and add the attribute to your shortcodes.



    Hello, that didn’t work, only 6 are displayed. Does having the carousel scroll change anything?



    Can you post a test username & pwd. on your site so I can take a look?


    Sure, what how do I get the credentials to you? what level of access?


    A test admin account would be ok. You can post it here and just mark “Set as private reply”

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I’ve checked it out and it seems the problem was with the caching. After making changes to the site you need to flush the cache from the “GoDaddy” menu item.

    It is working fine now, check it out.


    wow! Thank you and apologies for the trouble

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