Home Forums Theme Support Minimal Featured image size for blog entries

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    Trying to get the blog to look nice.
    But failing as it seems to make the featured image very big.
    Is it possible to have thumbnails show for the list of blogs and then have a larger image on the actual blog entry?



    Hi there,

    Try to insert an images that is 770×293 in size for optimal view.

    This is not possible right out of the box.

    Let me know how’s going.



    That’s too big. I want thumbnails in the list of blogs and something around 300 to 400 width in the blog. Look how nice the images look in my own blog list http://theitfairy.co.uk/articles/
    Point me to the right bit of the code and I will dabble!



    The problem is that on the site that you showed me the structure of the content is different. The thumb is on the left and the text on the right. My theme has the thumb first and the content just under it. If you change the size of the thumb it will look awkward.

    You can change the default cropping size from the “functions.php” file at line 126:

    add_image_size( 'blog-thumbs', 770, 293, true ); // blog thumbs

    You can add an additional size for the single post like this example:

    add_image_size( 'blog-thumbs-single', 770, 293, true ); // blog thumbs single

    Then in the theme’s folder > framework > inc > post-formats you can edit the file named “single.php” and look for this:

    <?php the_post_thumbnail('blog-thumbs'); ?>

    and change it to the newly created size (this is for single post):

    <?php the_post_thumbnail('blog-thumbs-single'); ?>


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