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    how to add recent project slider on page


    Hi there,

    I’m not sure I understand what are you trying to do. Do you want to add the normal slider?



    I have the same case. I want to add The Recent Proyect list in my home page, like the example.


    How I can add this?



    You can add it by using the shortcode generator or simply insert the shortcode into your page like the following example:

    [portfolio items="6" category="web design, audio, video, vintage" columns="3" ]

    Note that you can check the documentation files and you’ll find all the pages of the demo site and you can see how they’re built.



    Yes I know, but I want to add portfolio items in carousel mode as the demo home page 1.


    Yes, this is the code. How many items do you have in your portfolio?



    I have imported the demo portfolio items, and I want to show the items in a unique row (5 items), in carousel mode with the corresponding arrows, as the original home page.

    I attach the image:




    That’s weird. Can you give me a test username & pwd so I can take a closer look? You can use the private reply function of the forums.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    I’ve checked my demo page again and it seems that I have made a mistake. The carousel is not available in the Minimal theme. I have overwritten the portfolio plugin by mistake with one from other theme and that’s why it was displayed on my demo page.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.



    Umm, and what is the name of that portfolio plugin?

    My client is very interested in that portfolio carousel appearance.



    That is made by me for another theme. Also, it was not functioning properly on the Minimal demo theme (besides the scrolling).

    There are many free plugins out there though. Here are a couple of them:

    Carousel Horizontal Posts Content Slider



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