Home Forums Theme Support Charity Installation failed

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    I installed and activated the theme and then imported the xml, and the pages were imported but no plugin was imported, and everything on the pages is a mess.

    How can I solve this?


    Anybody there?


    Hi there and sorry for the delay but I was out of office during the weekend.

    There must be a notice to install the bundled plugins. If you don’t see it you can manually install them from the theme’s folder > framework > plugins.

    I’ve tried to login on your site and do it for you but the credentials are not working.



    Okay, well I installed manually all the plugins but the page is still a mess, a little less but still is not completely working. Besides, the “Donate Now” button doesn’t do anything and the slider doesn’t appear.



    Can you post a working test username & pwd. so I can take a look?




    user: yaly?16
    pass: .>zz(WjhBH8vQ<:k


    Hi there,

    I’ve checked it out and it seems you did not have any campaigns and also the slider and some options were not enabled. Check it out now and see if it’s ok.



    Thank you my friend!

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