Home Forums Theme Support WrapKit Mega Menu Font Color

Topic Resolution: Resolved
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  • #16990

    Hi. first of all thanks for this great theme.
    However I have a problem with font colors of the SD Mega Menu.
    I am using header style 15 with the mega menu. I want the font hover color red, which works fine as long as I hover over the menu button. As soon as the cursor enters the mega menu, the font color of the button in the main menu changes from my defined hover color to a mint green. I cannot find any place to change this color. Also it only happens with header style 15.

    Is there a way to let it be in hover color as long as the megamenu is open?

    Thanks for your feedback!


    Hi there,

    I’ve checked your site to see the problem but it isn’t loading. Can you check it up and let me know.



    sorry – it was in maintenance mode – you should be able to see it after logging in. anyway maintenance mode is deactivated right now.



    Great, check it out now and see if it’s ok.



    yes! now it works. Many thanks!

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