Home Forums Theme Support Gotham Website bringing up white screen after wordpress upgrade to WordPress 3.6.

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    Just upgraded wordpress to WordPress 3.6. and getting a white screen on site, please assist.



    I think we’ve solved this through email.



    I have the same issue!! Please help!!


    Hi there,

    Please login to your ThemeForest account, download the latest version of the theme and replace the file named “header.php” with the new version.

    This should fix the problem.



    I’m having this same issue. I have replaced the header.php file with the new one created 8/12/2013, but it didn’t fix the problem. Any other ideas? Thanks.


    Hi there,

    Make sure that you clear your browser’s cache and refresh the page.



    Replacing header.php file worked for me. Thanks!


    This has happened to my site when I updated to WordPress 3.8.1. I downloaded the most recent version of the header.php file and uploaded it to the wp-content folder, but it’s still loading a white screen. I cleared my browser and it’s still white. Any advice? Thanks!


    Hi there,

    Can you send me your url so I can take a look?



    Replacing the old header.php file worked after all. Thanks!!

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